The North Adams Transcript from North Adams, Massachusetts (2024)


Bolosrnanl, TeL 72 Town Little League Auto and Escort Awaits Prisoner For Ride to Adams When Harry Zambias was re Miss Valeda Daoust Renamed President Of Charily Club Miss Valeda Daoust reelected president of the Charity club at an annual meeting last night at the Cartier club. Other officers, also re-elected, are7: Vice president, Mrs. Arsene Laf ramboise; secretary, Mrs. Savoy Mrs. K.

A. barber. Dial 2700 Memorial Service Planned Sunday In Brier Chapel A memorial service will-be held in the Brier chapel Sunday; afternoon at 3 o'clock with Leon How-land of North Adams in charge. Mrs. A.

Barber" will be in charge of the music, and Mrs. Robert. Haskins will be in charge of the children's speaking pjy sram. Members of the Sons of-Union Veterans, Jhe Ladies auxiliary and 1 the Veterans of Foreign Wars, all of Adams are expected to be present. Rev.

Chandler HoL-nes of Cheshire "will take part in the pi-o r- "L- Final Card Party Another pitch party 'will be held in the town hall tomorrow night at. 8 o'clock. This will- be the final -party in a series of three to raise money to finance the eighth- graders' graduation trip. The committee in charge con--sists of Mrs. John Stefans-ki," John Haczela, Mrs.

Joseph Sadlow and Mrs. Matthew Lucz-nski. Re freshments will be served after the play. Donations of prizes are being sought. Local and Personal Mr." and Arthur Mausert of North Adams called-on her mother, Mrs.

Ina Estes Sunday. Mrs. Blanche Maranville and! Mrs. Gordon Estes attended the -Hospital auxiliary supper In Adams Saturday night. Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Maynard and their four children, and Beverly, visited her- brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Kenneth Barrup, In Woodstock, Vt Sunday, A public' pitch party will, be held in the town hall tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. Lynn and Gail Estes, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Estes of Cheshire, spent the week-end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Estes.X, Sir, and "Jlrs. Edward Grover of Adams visited his mo.ther, Jlrs. Emma GroverT Friday evening.

Mrs. Harold Kemp and Mrs. Bert Maynard visited Mrs. Lawrence Kemp in Monroe recently. Mr.

and Mrs. Lester Horton and their son, Jeffrey, of Adams called on Mr, and Mrs. E. Barber Fri- day evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Sherman -and their son. Daniel, of Adams visited his mother, fiTts. Eva Sher-man, Saturday. Mrs.

Archie Ilarwood, Miss Marion Harwocd; Mrs. Merritt Miller and Harold Kemp attend- -ed the Mothers and Daughters supper of the Baptist church in Adams Mr; and Mrs'. Edw'ard Crossin of "Adams visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tayjor Friday.

Richard "Jensen of Hartford, spent the week-end with and Mrs. D. Harwood.8 Mr. and MrsLaurence Jenkins of. Ashfield called on Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Barber Sunday. Florida Sirs. Wilfred Swift, Tel. 453-W1 Road Work Graveling has been completed on sections 01 ioutn sureei ana Will Start Third Year This Evening, Clayton L.

Couture, chairman of the board of selectmen, will toss the first ball tonight as the Adams" Little leagije starts its third year on the North Summer street field. Joseph Austin, league secretary, will' be on the receiving end. The opening game, to start at 6:15 o'clock, will be between Poirier-Alerts, defending, champions and the Crystal Creamery. Fred Pietras, former minor league ball playerr is coach for the Poirier-Alerts, while Peter DeBIois, Adams high junior varsity is in charge of the Crystal Creamery. Parade, Fireworks Plans Furthered For July Third Furthe-f plans for the commun- ity celebration is being listed by the Adams Board of Trade in observance of the 175th anniversary of the incorporation of.

Adams were talked over during a meeting of the celebration committee, of which former- Selectman George Depelteau is chairman, last night. Present plans call for a parade the night of Friday, July 5, to be followed by a fireworks display at Valley street field. Some contributions for the fireworks have already been but more are needed and it was stated today donations in any amount will be welcome. i Troop 10, Girl Scouts Troop 10 Girl Scouts, spon-i sored by St. Thomas' parish, met I yesterday afternoon with Marion Perrier as director.

Katherine Wilson Sandra i Kleiner, Patricia Fleury and Bet-i ty Ga'mari were flag bearersahd i color guard for the opening cere-! monies including the flag saluje, oath and laws. Patricia Tanguay and Roberta Walsh were in charge of the roll call and dues collection. A rehearsal or the Memorial day parade was held, followed by 1 games and Susan Gelinas was leader for the closing pray-ers arid the song "Day IsDone." Yarn, brought by the girls, was assembled and sorted in prepara-l tion for knitting-instructions to I begin next fall. Seeks Highway Work James DimitropoKs of Depot street appeared at a meeting pf the selectmen last night, to-inquire about part-time work in the Adams highway department. lie was toll' the department has a full working force now.

Don't Let the Sun Get in Your Eves AWNI3GS $3.29 jo wide Keep Cool AH Summer They come In handsome green and vm stripes and all green. Will Kiv years of wearfEasy to Install. Six Other Colors Available at $3.89 Telephone 123 for Prices on Larger Sizes A. C. Simmons 71 Pork St Adams Adams-North Adams Line Refreshment Stand NOW SHOWING mAIN'KILDKiut! Also Hired Gunslinger In a Lawless Land i Five Children Receive Their First Communion First communion was received by five children at St.

Joachim's church Sunday at the 8 o'clock mass. The children are Jean Rae Franzenelli, Cynthia. Dandancau. Cheryl Palmer, James Gordon and Michael Stankewich. They were under the guidance of Miss Mary Havreluk.

Altar boys were Ronald Baruzzi. Francis Doney and John Eccher. To Open Sawyer Plant For Public Inspection The II. "Tj. Sawyer plant wiU be open to the public for inspection over the Memorial day "week-end, it has been announced by Mr.

Saw-! yer. Visitors will be welcome Saturday and Sunday to see the mil and the furniture which is made there. Rushed' to Hospital Miss Joan Bissaillon was rushed to Plunkett Memorial hospital, Ad ams, Sunday evening for an appen dix operation Monday- morning. following a severe attack at her r- Repaired Repairs have been made to the -public library roof. The roof had been leaking badly, and many books were rain-soaked.

Repairs were delay by inclement weather. Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Fabio Eccher are the parents of a daughter, born Saturday in a Pittsfield hospital. Edward of North Ad ams isited his family Sunday.

Mr. ana Mrs. Michael Furcell 01 Pownal were, guests of Mrs. Elena Baruzzi Saturday. Mrs.

Purcell is the "former Agnes Crowly, a nurse here for several years. Elizabeth Baruzzi, Mary June Moruzzi and Lucille Scaia spent Saturday in Pittsfield. Heartwellville Mrs. II. B.

Cauffman, Tel. 15-12 Porcupines Damage Porch Many porcupines have been reported seen here Med- eric Chaput caught two of them damaging the porch of his cottage. i -Flowers at Bridge Summer consisting of red geraniums and white petunias, have been planted In part of the Heartwellville" bridge near Kilkare. The balance of the planting is held up pending bridge repairs. Local and Personal Dr.

J. Hull of Stuart, who is north to attend his 10th reunion at Union college in N. called on his brother-in-law and sis'ter, Mr. and Mrs. Park G.

Canedy, Saturday. Henry Benoit of North Adams called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. AL. Watson and her grandsons, Edward and James Williams, were recent visitors in Whitingham and Wilmington.

-Mrs. E. F. Williams spent Sunday in Springfield, Mederic "Chaput entertained over the week-end William Boyd, Leon Boyd, Joseph Glroux and Dr. John Massucco, all of North Adams, and Lawrence Nichols of Stamford.

Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Symdns of Greenfield, spent Friday at their summer home here. Mr.

and -Mrs. Joseph Parent had as visitors Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parent, and their children. Donna and Williams, of Central Falls, R.

and Mr. and. Mrs. Leo Renaud of Providence, R. Mr.

and Mrs. Merton Thayer entertained on Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beaton of North Adams, on Saturday Mr. land ana irs- unayer or Rex- Iora Y- on bunday Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Hunt of Bennington and Davis and his son, Ste- Jphen, of Searsburg, and on Mon- qay jvir. ana Airs. Lester Beaton nd their daughter, Lindy, of Whitingham. Sunday visitors of Mr.

and Mrs. H. B. Cauffman were Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. George Marr and Miss Wary Lees, of Pittsfield. iviass. Mr.

and Mrs. Miqhael Purcell of Pownal were Saturday callers of Mr. and Alfred Fleury. Mr. Mrs.

Julius Lincoln of North Adams visited the Fleurys Sunday. 'i IMonroe Bridce Mrs. Donald Bonvter, TeL 92-11 Local and Personal Herbert Chambers of Newport, N. H.i is visiting at the home of his Kimball Chambers. Roger Love, a former resident of Monroe Bridge, visited friends, in town recently.

y. George Dean of Framingham, Mass, representative of the Independent Coal Tar company, was in town on business Mrs. Phyllis Raycrof is" working at the Deerfield Glassine company mill during the absence of Mrs. William Bolner. Clyde Booth, of Readsboro, Vt, began working in the cutter room department of the Deerfield Glassine company mill Monday, Irving Earle Is spending a few days in town before leaving for Quebec city.

New Diesels SAN FRANCISCO South ern Pacific Railroad company has invested almost 5200,000,000 in 1.257 diesel locomotives since the First Communion Planned Saturday A class of children will receive first communion Saturday at the 8 o'clock mass at the Church -of St. Mary of the Following the Chil dren will be guests of Rev. Joseph Gasan. pastor, at a communion breakfast at the Assumption rectory. Installation is Held For ArOfficers Ofllcers of the Cheshire Parent-Teacher association 1 were installed last at a meeting in the school hall.

The installing officer was Mrs. Robert Peterson of Great Barrington, Berkshire district director of the PvT. A. Plans were made for entertaining the county convention of A. groups to be held; here June 16.

Officers installed last night were; President, Rev. Chandler M. vice president, Mrs. Stephen Bednarz; secretary, Rlrs. Stanley Skubel, and treasurer, Mrs.

Roy Emerson. Charter is Draped For Herbert Randall Members" draped the charter in memory of Herbert M. Randall at Grange Memorial day services- Monday, evening in Grange During the meeting, members voted to. donate $5 for the Cere-, bral Palsy drive and $10 to the Grange Educational Aid fund. The Grange will enter float in the Memorial day pajade.

The Misses Doris SchoH Betty Jane Bennett and Nancy Cole will be in charge. Hospital Meeting The annual meeting and election of officers of W. B. Plunkett Memorial hospital, Adams, will be held next Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock at the Nurses' home Officers will be. elected and reports will be made Cheshire members have been urged' to attend the meeting.

Funeral Herbert M. Kamsdell Funeral "services- for Herbert M. Randall, 52, of West Moun tain road who died at his home Monday, were held at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon at the Sim mons funeral home in Adams. Rev. Nelson W.

Bryant, rector of St- Mark's Episcopal church, Adams, officiated. The bearers were Karl Pan- dell, Everett Lamb and Joseph Kruszyna -of Cheshire, Edward Zalinski of Adams, Eugene Pruyne of Clarksburg and Ernest uiroux 01 i'utsneid. Burial was in Bellevue' cemetery, Adams. Memorial Day Plans All units taking art in the Me morial day exercises will assemble at 1.40 o'clock on the common on North street Any Gold Star mother or disabled- veteran. vwishingv to take part should notify Cmdr.

Stanley Zarek, who will arrange for trans portation. I The American Legion Is deco rating the graves of all veterans this week. Extension Class The Berkshire County-Exten- slon Service will sponsor a class in "Paper and Paint" tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. Everett Martin of Windsor road. XV.

S. S. to Meet Women's Society of Christian. Service of the Methodist church will meet tomorrow evening at 8 at the home of Mrs. Karl Pan-dell of North street Mrs.

Roy Emerson will be assistant hos tess. Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs." Ralph Emerson-of urange, xm. were recent guestsi of Mr. Emerson's mother, Mrs.

Lura Emerson of North street. Miss Mildred Dunn of Dean street has returned from a two weeks' vacation in Atlantic City, N. Philip Wadsworth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Foster W.

Wadsworth of Farnams, Is undergoing treat ment at St. Luke hosDital in Pittsfield. Qarksburc Mrs. Reginald UTiite, TeL 1157-W Special Meeting A special meeting of Girl Scout Troop 5 to prepare for the Court of Awards June 4, will be held tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock at the Briggsville school. All girls have been urged to be present on Selectmen to Meet The weekly meeting of the se lectmen win take place at the, town office- the Briggsville" school tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock.

i Attend Dinner Scoutmaster John A'hearn, As sistant Scoutmaster Alan Gleason and Committeeman Julius Fos-ser, all of Boy Scout Troop 62 of Briggsville, attended the annual dinner of the Trail and GreyTock Boy Scout districts Monday evening in Grange hall, North Ad ams. Eiffel Tower Paint PARIS CV-The, Eiffel Tower which even Parisians consider "the awful tower" is getting a new paint job, at a -cost of It will take three years to coat the 984 -foot landmark, which drew 1,250,000 visitors in 1952. It is being painted with a. blend of orange and brown. Local Student Second High Ranking Soph Despite 8-Year Gap (Special to The Transcript) EOSTQN A student from Adams who worked for eight years after being graduated from high school and before entering col lege has nnishedhis sophom*ore year at Northeastern university here as second ranking student among all members of his divi-- sion.

i- i Hels Edward P. JCellar of 105 Summer street, Adams. The fact that he made 22 A's and one to achieve second, highest rating among sophom*ores in his division was announced at the annual Dean's list dinner at the university last The son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter lKellar of Adams, he was gradu ated from A'dams high school In 1943 and worked at the General Electric company plant in Pitts-, field eight years before entering 'Northeastern.

He is majoring.nn business management in the -college of business administration. St.Thomas' Brownies Brownie Girl Scouts sponsored by St. Thomas' parish will meet at 7 o'clock this evening at Thomas' hall for. a rehearsal In preparation for the. Memorial day parade In which they are to march.

rX.v':: V-v? 35 Park Sr. Tel. 478-W Open Evenings SIMONIZ The new wander polish-which cleans and polishes In one simple, easy operation. -Of Get all the lasting quality and beauty of famous Wax with this new, easy put on liquid wax. Now! EndsTpmw Feature Shown ct 9:10 3 G.

"TP" ON lAHOt no ftm Miun-uiuiiaom '2nd Feature Also Big tot im-Kdig COMTE-fca SQTHERH THBBLUR No Mat. Tomorrow FRIDAY A Grand New Holiday Hit CARD OF THANKS For the' innumerable ways in which esteem for him sympathy for us were shown following the death of our dear- husband and father, John E. we, are extremely gratefuL To the 1 neighbors, friends, bearers, donors of cars and flowers and to each, and all, who in any way were thoughtful and kind, a sincere "Thank You." Mrs. John E. Hoy and Family 98 ifpl mm fattuarxj Joseph Chwalek Joseph Chwalek, 67, of 33 Cran-dall street, died this -morning in an out-of-town hospital, following an illness of nine and one-half years that became critical a month ago.

He was born in Poland but came to this country 50 years ago and resided in Adams most of that time since. He was a weaver in No. 4 Berkshire mill until he became ill He was a member of t. Stanislaus Kostka church and the St. Michael society, Z.P.R.K.

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Mary Chwalek; two sons, Frank ef Flushing, Long Island, N. and Stan ley of Adams; two daughters, Mrs. Francis Ei, Couture of Adams, with whom he and his wife resided, and Mrs. Peter Russo of PittsfieId; four Sisters, Mrs.

Agata Mroz of Adams, Mrs. Joseph Selba of Cleveland, Ohio, one in Poland and one in Manchester, N. and 11 grand children. Another son; Joseph, died in Burma, Jan. 1945, while serving with the armed forces there during World War 2.

Funeral services will be held at 9 o'clock Friday morning at St StaillSlaus Kostka church. Burial will be in St. Stanislaus cemetery, The body is to be at the Bloniarz funeral- with calling hours from 2 to 4 and .7 to 11 o'clock to morrow -afternoon and jevening. r. Joseph Uchman Makes HoIein-One at Golf Joseph Uchman of 79 Summer street is credited with the first hole-in-ohe of the present golfing season at the Forest Park Coun try club last week.

He made It on the third hole while playing with Michael McAndrews. The feat was also witnessed by Misses Joan Toski and Mary Dolan, who were playing just ahead of the Uchman- McAndrews twosome. Can Re-Locate Pole Permission for relocation of a utility pole on School street was granted by the selectmen last night to the Berkshire Electric company and the New England Telephone company. Fined $1tV in Troy Lawrence J. Perrault of Adams was fined $10 in Troy, N.

police court Monday for failing tQ heed a red traffic -light at Glen avenue and River street, Troy. Catechism Classes Catechism classes this week for St. Thomas' parish children will be omitted. Local and Personal mas'ses at Notre Dame church tomorrow morning will be said as follows: At o'clock for Archie A. Poirier- by Rev.

Ernest P. Moreau, curate; and at 8.15 o'clock for Fred Rolland by Joseph T. pastor. Miss Josephine W. Romaniak, Mr.

and Mrs. Anthony Trzcinski all of Adams and Mr. and. Mrs. Ignatius Jezyk of Cheshire at tended the annual get-together of Berkshire county American Legion and auxiliary at the Berkshire inn, Great Barrington, Saturday night, Mrs.

Harry E. Davis of 129 Com mercial street has returned to her home after spending the winter in.Evanston, 111:, with' her son-in- law and daughter, and Mrs. Lyndon O. Adams and in Harrison, N. with' her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.

and Mrs. Reginald J. Davis. It take 1000 pound lew milk to raise alf -on the- Wayn program, compared to old milk ways. Sell the extra milk tee us for details! IT PAYS TO FEID M7AYHE fUll FORTIFIED WITH ANTIBIOTICS STANLEY'S Lumber, Hardware, Coal, Dairy and, Poultry Feed Mason and Building Supplies Tel.

967 North Summer St. Adams, Mass. CARD OF THANKS We are most appreciative of the thoughtfulness and many kindly ways in which sym- pathy for us was shown fol lowing the death of our dear 'wife and sister, Mrs. Selma Adams. Especially do we thank Arthur D.

Simmons, Rev. John H. Hyde, the1 bearers, neighbors, friends, donors of cars and flowers, -Germaniav and Frauenheim lodges "and each-and all who tried in any way to lighten our grief. William C. Adams The Adams and Tucker Families ll II GO DO.

IIS esse leased front Great Meadows prison at Comstock, N. this morning he found a new 19o3 auto waiting as well as an offi cial escort to give him a ride 'to Adams. The auto was the new cruiser of the Adams police department and the escort comprised Chief Edward W. Reid, Captain Law rence E. Clarkson and Patrolman George-R.

Little. J1 A warrant was served on Zam bias charging him with larceny oft, money and- unauthorized use of an auto and he is' scheduled to be arraigned in the Adams court tomorrow on these charges. The larceny and unauthorized use are alleged to have occurred in 1949 when Zambias was employed 'as- a driver- for Henry. Bishop, Adams truckman. To Have Hearing On Relocation Of Friend Street Relocation of Friend as sought in a petition by the selectmen, will considered by the.

county commissioners a hearing to be held early in July. The' relocation is sought so that the 'street can be reconstructed and widened. Part of the street is a county road. Wants Nuisance Tree Removed by-Selectmen Removal' of a large poplar tree on Hoosac street near the Hoosac street, school was requeslted by John J. Bloniari during meeting of the selectmen last night.

-v Bloniarz said thatspeaking as -a the tree is, a nuisance for all persons residing on the street as cotton-like material blows from it all over the street and into homes. As-- school committee member, Mr Bloniarz said that when windows" at the Iloosac street school are opened the cotton-like material blows into class rooms. The selectmen said they will see what can be done. Ouellette KeSiqnS As Manager of Theater -'Emile J. Ouellette of 27 Elm street has resigned as rnanager of the Adams theater effective Saturday, June 13.

Mr. Ouellette, who lias been manager of the; theatr for the past six years and was previously usher and later assistant man1 ager, has not announced his plans for the future. His successor has not been named. Mr. Ouellette has been associate ed uwith the theater since 1939 with his work there interrupted from 1942 to 1945 while he was in service with S.

Marine corps, most of the time in the Pacific area. He is -married to the former Loretta Bourdeau of Adams, who has been -in charge of the candy concession at the theater for the past 11 years and who Is resigning position now. COULD YOU REBUILD Your. Home Tomorrow With the Insurance Coverage You Have A TODAY? mm BE SURE TO GET WEEK-END PASTKIES" FHIDAY We Will Be Closed All Day Saturday. Open Sunday- Our Usual Hours.

i- RICHMOND BAKERY W. Zawistowski, Prop. Hoosac St. Tek 370 Philippe Roulier and treasurer, Mrs. Ida Mandeville.

A white elepljant sale was con ducted, with the proceeds to be used for mission work in Haiti. Whist was played and prizes wrere won by Mrs. Flora Lesage, Miss Arthimese Guerin and Mrs. Philippe Lefebvre. Lunch was served by Miss Daoust.

and Mrs. La- framboise. Installation of officers will take place at the next meeting, June 30. Charter and Flag Given Cub Scouts Formal presentation of Its charter and an American flag and standard, featured a meet ing Pack' 3 Gub sponsored by the Adams Board of Trade, last night at Miller annex at the Adams Free library. Over 50 Cubs, their parents and friends were present.

The session was the final one until next September. The American flag and stand ard, a gift from George E. Sayles. Woman's Relief corps, was presented by Mrs. Forrest Haun, patriotic instructor of the corps, assisted ly Mrs.

Wilfred E. Charbonneau, president and Ralph E. Anthony, Jr. Mrs. Haun spoke to the cubs oh the meaning of the flag.

The pack charter was present ed by David Jettmghoff, North ern Berkshire field executive of Berkshire county council Boy Scouts to James M. Smith, chairman of the pack committee. A candlelight ceremony was conducted by Robert K. Waite, Donald Kneipfer; Allan Innes and Craig Briggs. Awards were presented as fol lows: IJon badge, with gold ar row, to John Couture: wolf badge, James Holt; two silver arrows and wolf book, -John Juby; two silver arrows and lion book.

Ronald Kneipfer: lion badge and gold arrow, Earl La Chance; bear badges, David Len- non and William Rousseau lion badge, with gold arrow and three silver arrows, Robert K. Waite, Jr. Cubs of Dens 1 and 2 present ed skits. Displays of their com pleted projects were shown by Dens .1, 2 and 3. The cubs were reminded they are to meet at 8.30 o'clock Sat urday morning at the C.

T. Plun kett junior high school to assem ble for the Memorial day parade. Plans wete made for a picnic next Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James M.

.1 Smith of .6 Street. In case of the picnic will be held the following week. Tentative plans" were discussed for a summer outing, the. time and place to be -decided later. An nouncement was made of Cub Scout Day at Camp Eagle on Oc tober mountain, July: 25 with all cubs and their parents Invited.

Each is to provide his own lunch. Birth A daughter; Theresa, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pitroff of 4 Harmony street yesterday at the W. B.

Plunkett Memorial-hos pital. Mrs. Pitroff is the former Dorothy Rupprecht West Hawlev Mrs. A. II.

Maynard. TeL 16-15 Locai and Personal Mrs. Hazel Mills and her son, Wayne, and Mrs. Elsie Anderson of Williamsitownand Mrs. Ethan Cutler of Greenfield were Sunday visitors "at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Matthew Taylor. Miss Alice White, a student at the University -of Massachusetts, is spending a few days at her Everett Sturtevant was a Sun day dinner guest of Mrs. Charles Sturtevant. of Windsor.

Mrs. Roy i Tower of! Griswold-ville and Donald Tower and his son of Agawam were Sunday vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert White and Mr. and Mrs.

Robert White. I Fred Maynard of Brier called on Mrs. Bertha Maynard Sunday morning. i Mr and Mrs. Harold De Ben-ham of New Rochelle, N-.

spent a few days recently at their place here. Naval Furniture NEW YORK CW co*cktail cabi nets made from 200-year-old rum-barrels, lamps frtom antique navigation lights; garden chairs made from the keels of old British men-o'-war, and coffee tables that were once the steering wheels of three-master sailing vessels are among a new. line of "furniture with, a to be shown at this spring's British Industries Fair reports Services. Other period fittings, from. ancient Royal Navy surplus include ashtrays matchbox-barrels, and paper knives, made of old ship's decks of teak mahogany.

Every item. carries a small metal plaque giving its origin and date. South County Road East The equipment has -been moved to School road, where crews start- -ed work yesterday morning. Howard Burdick is leveling the -gravel with the bulldozer. Storm Damage v.

Due to the electrical storm yes- terday afternoon, power, and tele- phone service was interrupted for some time. Local and Personal Mrs. PoiroU and her. daughter, Jlelen, jspent the week- end with Alan Dale Poirot' at Fort Dix, N. J.

They also visit-ed Pvt. Roy Burdick who is also stationed "there. Pvt Burdick Is a nephew of Mrs. Poirot. Mr.

and Mrs- Harold E. Brown and their family visited their son -and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown, In Water -ford, N. Sunday.

Thelma Burdick celebrated her 11th birthday anniversary in the Florida Consolidated school yes- terday. Winthrop Burdick! son of Mr, and Mrs." Frank Burdick, has re. -turned home the North Adams hospital! where he underwent an operation or appendi- citis. Miss Ropes and Miss Matilda Gove of Melrose visited Miss Marjorie Moore two days this week. -Mrs." Donald Canedy and' her returned home Sunday from New Jersey.

Miss Alenda Reeve returned with them. 'The "Be-an-Artist honor rpltf or the Mother's day if prograa included leodore Davis, Cynthia -Russell'' Tupper, Sylvia Swift, Vera Mullette, Eileen Bur-; dick, Carole Burdick, Joyce Bur- dick, HenrytPoirot, Clayton Bur-dick, Thomas Kingsley, Patricia Kingsley and Beverly Briggs, all of Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Dolfred Dyer and "7-their -daughter, Shirley, Romeo Gazzaniga and her grand- son, Ronald Gazzaniga, and Den--nis Dyer of Marlboro visited Mr.

and Mrs. Wilfred Swift'and their family and Mr. and Mrs. George S. Brown Sunday.

I After Australia found imported rabbits to be a pest, they im- ported foxes to control the rabbits, but the foxes found native mammals easier game and left the rabbits lend of World War 2..

The North Adams Transcript from North Adams, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.